According to Google Trends, interest in WordPress over time has remained stable over the past five years, and especially so over the past three years:

I was pleased to see that interest in WordPress is strongest in emerging economies: Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Cameroon, and Estonia top the list.
I wanted to embed this data in a blog post to share it.
I wanted to share this in a blog post and realized that DataKit would be perfect for this: I can embed this data in a blog post!
I exported the CSV from the Google Trends report by clicking the download CSV icon:

I then uploaded the file to WordPress, and went to Code Snippets, created a new snippet, and added a few lines of code:
add_action( 'init', function() {
$data_source = new AttachmentDataSource( 307 ); // The file is Attachment #313
$wordpress_interest = DataView::table(
'wordpress-interest', // Define the ID to be used in the shortcode.
// Choose the fields to display from the CSV.
TextField::create( 0, 'Country' ),
TextField::create( 1, 'Interest' ),
Sort::desc( 1 ) // Sort by Interest
)->paginate( 15 ); // Show 15 entries at a time.
do_action( 'datakit/dataview/register', $wordpress_interest );
} );
Now that I created the DataView, I added the following shortcode to this page:
[dataview id="wordpress-interest"]
And here’s DataKit rendering the CSV so you can browse the data, too:
This is the power of DataKit
Soon this won’t require any code at all: we’re building a great interface for DataKit. I’m looking forward to that, but even today, I’m thrilled to be sharing this data with you.